Weekly Food Pantry
Helping neighbors in need
We believe that feeding the hungry is an important part of our faith. *Every Tuesday from 11 am to 12 noon, we host one of the busiest food pantries in the area. The doors open at 10:45 am, and guests are asked to bring ID.
*In the case of inclement weather please review our Food Pantry policy.
Donations are received on Monday mornings from 9:30 am to 11:30 am. Follow the outside back stairs to the lower level. Please call the Parish Office at 410-268-5419 to make other donation arrangements. Thank you for your support.
Click here for the list of suggested
donation items.
​On average, we provide food for 200 households each month. The pantry is supported by a dedicated group of congregants and community volunteers. The AA County Food Bank provides food for distribution. The members of Cub Scout Pack 153 also help with food drives and collect over a half ton of canned goods each spring.
We are also regular supporters of the Light House, a homeless prevention resource center. Every Sunday we make bag lunches for guests and residents at the Light House. We have made over 6,000 bag lunches in the past six years.